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PullWire Safety Switches Without Manual Reset Knob

Product Image (SCM-Metal 60mm)

SCM-Metal 60mm

Price: 4500 INR/Piece

Traction and release operation Pull wire limit switches Operation in traction and release

Product Image (SDM-Metal 50mm)

SDM-Metal 50mm

Price: 4500 INR/Piece

Traction and release operation Pull wire limit switches Operation in traction and release

Product Image (SBM-Metal 40mm)

SBM-Metal 40mm

Price: 4500 INR/Piece

Pull wire limit switches Operation in traction and release

Product Image (SM-Metal 30mm)

SM-Metal 30mm

Price: 4500 INR/Piece

Traction and release operation Pull wire limit switches Operation in traction and release

Product Image (Pull wire safety switches)

Pull wire safety switches for emergency stop applications

Price: 6000 INR/Piece

Traction and release operation Pull wire limit switches Operation in traction and release

Product Image (Pull wire limit switches-Operation in traction and release)

Pull wire limit switches (Operation in traction and release)

Price: 4500-6500 INR/Piece

Traction and release operation Pull wire limit switches Operation in traction and release